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Comparison of Snapchat Spectacles 3 vs Latest GoPro Hero 9 | Which one should i buy?

Spectacles and GoPro are totally different products, still some people are confused over which one should they opt for. So here is the post to clear all your confusion about the difference between the Spectacles 3 by Snapchat and the all New GoPro Hero 9.

Spectacles are meant to be noticed, and come in funky colors which puts a camera in your very human direct line of site, they are a nice cute way to always get a snap, whenever you see something worth snapping. Without missing the extra few seconds of pulling out your phone and hitting record.
They're expensive and they're meant for a very specific use case.

Snapchat Spectacle 3 Images

Spectacles  are ideal for recording personal footage, but there could be times when you're out in public, recording a video or capturing a photo. In such a situation, a discreet wearable camera such as the GoPro may not really be appreciated by many.

Still the Spectacles stand out, no matter how conventional the design gets, the two cameras on the side stand out.


Speaking of the specifications and Recording Capabilities of both,

In Spectacles, the Photos are captured at 1642x1642 pixels while videos are recorded at 60FPS (frames per second) at 1216x1216 pixels resolution. The cameras feature a wide-angle lens, which means they see more than what you're actually seeing while recording content.

GoPro Hero 9 Specifications

While the latest GoPro, the Hero 9 comparatively stands in a whole different category,
It comes with 5K/30FPS, 4K/60FPS and 1080p/240FPS Video Recording options with features like Superphoto+HDR, Timewarp 3.0, Hypersmooth 3.0 with RAW capability.

The GoPro also supports 1080p live streaming plus other features such as Voice Control and the key factor is that the GoPro is waterproof up to 10 meters (33ft) which makes it the ultimate on the go Rugged camera unlike the Spectacle by Snapchat.


Snap's Spectacles 3 will appeal to a very small set of content creators and influencers on Snapchat, and even other social platforms, who are looking to create rich, engaging content for their followers. You don't need any real pro-level skills to create high-quality, and at times weirdly odd but good-looking content, online.
while on the other hand GoPro is the video camera you get when you want to record serious footage, of extremely rugged adventures.

So there is no competition whatsoever between the two.

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